5 ways to turn your unused space into a useful room

Get inspired and find your hidden space in your home…Give your home bonus rooms without drastically changing its footprint.

1 – From Basement to TV/Office Room and GYM

In the quest for extra square footage, unfinished basement, is a DEAD SPACE. For the cost of some finish work and fancy accessories upgrades, you can get a whole new space/area.
Just pick nice wall painting, try to find staff from your storage room to arrange it in a new way to this space, with some Glitz and Glitter (carpet, some lights that give a nice atmosphere) and that is it.

You only need to get two sports machines, and create a small corner for it with a nice energetic space.


2 – From unused space to a full of smart storage

Design a place where to put things, find shelves that is easy to hang, small and at the same time can bear heavy thing above it.. Open cabinets where you can arrange your extra staff in it, and on the other side having it open give the space extent …Sometimes one little request headway to a major transformation.



3 – From Garage to a magical Movie theater and fancy adults playing room:

Try to catch the sale period to buy a projection screen TV and pool table. Use your old surround system but try to put it in a way like circling the chairs area. Get your walls into dark and keep one white. Change the lights into warm white spot lights. Try to search for used cinema chairs, and some lazy chairs. Don’t forget to put a carpet which even can help the sounds to be surrounded.



4 – From cold kitchen to family dining area

Paint your old table into trendy colors, Get a new comfortable chairs, fix your cabinets and drawers, get inspiring food photos to be hanged in your walls, pick pendants to break your ceiling routine, your window need a curtain, so go for extreme crazy design. This is your kitchen which should give you energy to cook.



5 – From a Play Room to a Spare Room

Create a private area in a the playing room for while still allowing room for play. Use underneath storage or an additional dresser for clothes to make the space open yet cozy.


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