The Difference between an architects and an interior designer

A great home solution always requires a team of experts: from the construction group and the landscape planner to the interior designer, every person should adjust their work to your expectations.

This burden is especially big for the architect and the interior designer, since they have a leading role for the materialization of those expectations.

However, many people are not really sure which the difference between architect and interior designer actually is. Who are they supposed to hire when they want their entire home to be redesigned?

Why hire an interior designer? Why hire an architect? The simplest way to decide is to consider their role in terms of design initiative.

The role of an architect

  • Architects are in charge of designing a building-besides homes, they work on commercial and public business, and have to deal with every challenging idea their clients may have.
  • Architects are planners-they communicate with each worker involved in the project, so that they could draw a computer-made plan of how the building should look.
  • They are the best observes and controllers of the construction process.
  • They establish the form, and deal with all safety and function issues of future homeowners.
  • They are the masters of balance between aesthetics and functionality.
  • They are educated in mathematics and logics, which guarantees you, that you’ll obtain a solid and stable building.

Architects are the first people to be hired for the construction of a new home.

They meet the homeowners before contractors do, they listen to their needs and expectations, and suggest a detailed plan containing all outside renderings and construction issues.

That’s why extensive changes cannot be done without consulting the architect-he needs to be aware of every modification, and to redraw the plans and the structure.

The role of an interior designer

Many people believe that the skills of an interior designer are as simple as revolving around colours and shapes. This is a big misconception.

The role of an interior designer is complex and challenging, which makes it terribly difficult to find a good one.

Why hire an interior designer?

  • Interior Designer will be excessively expert to plan all types of space (residential buildings, hotels, offices, etc).
  • He can always make a drawing of the most functional and nice solution, once he familiarizes with your ideas.
  • Once the client approve the design, Interior designer will lose no time to create an ideal space.
  • He could do simple allocation of elements, but also intensive remodelling. ( Which Insideurbox is expert in)
  • Interior Designer balances between functionality and beauty, while his rich knowledge of safety codes will spare you a lot of worries.
  • He knows how your space should look, and he always has an idea on how to make it even more gorgeous

Besides, a designer is a communicator. Interior Designer will be a member both of the architecture and construction team, providing or receiving advice for the sake of your project.

What do architects and interior designers have in common?

Both planning and design can get really tough, which gives the two disciplines a lot of issues to address in their work.

Great architects and interior designers are not simply decorators-they are professionals who design your space according to your needs, and they solve each homeowner’s project.

That’s why their work relies on both science and art: they plan the space to be a safe and functional haven, but they put extra efforts to ensure it will look wonderful.

Let’s summarize the differences:

If we had to define a crucial difference, it would be this one:

Architects plan and design our space (both internally and externally), and they create the physical divisions and relationships in the building.

Interior designers, on the other side, use this already created spatial platform to add aesthetic and functional value.

Therefore, the job of a designer encompasses more important tasks than playing with shapes, colours, and sizes. An interior designer can also do a lot for you building’s external shell.


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